Monday 27 October 2008

multimedia technology essay

Write a 300 – 500 word article that tells the audience about a recent multimedia technology that is being or has been developed in the last 6 months and explain what you think the impact of this technology will have upon society.

The Sony Reader, the latest and most revolutionary eBook to hit the market, is a remarkable piece of technology. The actual piece of hardware is the size of a paperback book and is able to contain up to 160 books within its memory. The book is also easy to use and is ‘easy on the eyes’ás it does not contain a backlight and so does not put stress on the eyes. The book is also resistant to glare and so can be used outside and also uses eInk technology to recreate the traditional look of paper books making it easier on the eye.
There has been much skepticism surrounding eBooks for many years. Although many people suggest that paper will become obsolete and eBooks will be the future of literacy, they have never ‘taken off’ in modern society. However, as the Sony reader is a lot more ‘user friendly’ and more advanced compared to existing eBooks, making it much more like a traditional book with the advantages of an eBook, and with an increase in the purchase of eBooks, this may be the final step in making paper obsolete.
The Sony reader seems to be much more practical than traditional books. In future society, where a library may need to contain thousands of books, they may contain the same amount with only a fraction of the space as a single Sony reader may contain and entire author’s works in one book. Also, students may also benefit. Instead of purchasing numerous texts books, they may simply download the literature to their Sony reader. This would give them access to the information they need without carrying around several large text books. eBooks may also be updated with new facts unlike traditional books, giving them an advantage and more use in the future.
Therefore, I foresee, in the future, paper will become obsolete and all types of literature will be contained in a more advanced version of the Sony reader. This will give users access to a wider range of literature in one book, and also reduce the space needed to store the information. This also means that the world’s entire collection of literature may be stored in a single place, creating the single greatest source of information in the world.
Joseph Wheeldon.

here is the official website for the Sony Reader

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